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California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Notice for California Consumers



The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) becomes effective on January 1, 2020 and creates a variety of privacy rights for California consumers. We share the same information about our practices with everyone but use this notice to make disclosures required by the CCPA.

This notice includes the following parts:

  • Transparency: We are transparent about how your personal information is collected, used, shared and sold.

  • Control: We put you in control of your personal information, including accessing and deleting your personal information.




What Personal Information We Collect

You have the right to know what kinds of personal information Tax Accounting Bureau is collecting and our business purposes for that collection.

We only collect personal information to contact you to see if you could benefit from our services. 


How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information to contact you to see if you could benefit from our services 


How We Share Your Personal Information

You have the right to know if your personal information is shared with any third parties. We may share personal information to have Service Providers, as defined by the CCPA, perform services specified by written contract. In addition, we may share personal information with third parties for other notified purposes, as permitted by the CCPA.


We Do Not Sell Your Personal Information

You have the right to know whether your personal information is being sold. Your personal information is sold when it is shared with a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration for a purpose that is not a “business purpose” as set forth in the CCPA.

Tax Accounting Bureau does not sell your personal information.



Right to Know, Right to Receive, Right to Delete

You have the right to:

  • Know what specific pieces of personal information Tax Accounting Bureau has collected and retained about you over the previous 12 months.

  • Receive a copy of your personal information.

  • Ask for your information to be deleted



Right to “Opt-out” of “Sale”

Opt-out of sale by submitting form below. 


Last Updated: 01/01/2022


CCPA Opt-out Form

Your information will not be sold

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*Proyecciones basadas en resultados anteriores; los resultados individuales pueden variar según las situaciones, incluida su capacidad de proporcionar a Tax Accounting Bureau, Inc. información precisa y oportuna. Los porcentajes de resolución excluyen las tarifas del programa. No garantizamos que sus deudas tributarias se reducirán en una cantidad o porcentaje específico ni que su deuda tributaria se pagará dentro de un período de tiempo específico. No asumimos deudas tributarias, no realizamos pagos mensuales a los acreedores ni brindamos asesoramiento fiscal, de bancarrota, contable o legal. No brindamos servicios de reparación de crédito. Lea y comprenda todos los materiales del programa antes de inscribirse, incluido el posible impacto adverso en la calificación crediticia. No disponible en todos los estados.

Descargo de responsabilidad de la garantía ** Tax Accounting Bureau, Inc. reembolsará el dinero pagado en virtud del Acuerdo de cliente de TAB dentro de los primeros 15 días calendario sin ninguna penalización u obligación. Esta garantía de devolución de dinero SÓLO se aplica a la tarifa pagada para la Fase de investigación y NO para aquellos inscritos en nuestro Equipo de acción de resolución o aquellos que hayan firmado un Anexo de la Fase 2 de resolución. No garantizamos que sus deudas tributarias se reducirán en una cantidad o porcentaje específico ni tampoco hacemos garantías ni promesas sobre el resultado de los servicios propuestos.

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